Friday, June 24, 2005

Good Start for Friday
Two stories to start the day off on a positive note: PBS keeps its funding!!! (Also, more coverage on calls to remove Tomlinson, and on another note, the former RNC Chairman was chosen to be the new CPB President is) And Al Gore made someone's day (by picking up keys she dropped, but still...)

Krugman News: Krugman talks about not allowing ourselves to be misled and intimidated.

Science News: Physicists say that time travel can be possible without the past being in jeopardy of being altered, basically because we have already observed it, so it can't be changed. Animal talk: Adding to the research finding prairie dogs have a vocabulary, there is an article on different chickadee chirps signaling predators.

And Now The Bad News: E-voting proponents testified to the Senate this week that paper trails are not only unnecessary, but harmful... so we're just supposed to trust machines and the technology to be infallible, and have no way to double check??? Evoting without a paper trail is as popular with me as... the US is to the rest of the world? Because apparently the US is now less popular than China.


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