Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Competition, Pretty and Ugly: Here's a story about a supergeek who also happens to be Miss Ethiopia. Apparently in MSN world, rival Apple doesn't exist. Chess afficianodos competed in a new variation of Chess invented by Bobby Fischer. And rappers in the UK are mixing rhymes on cell phones... perhaps they are on their way to collaborating with Geeksta Rappers (See Post from Tuesday, June 28, 2005 Geeksta's Paradise: Apparently, there is a phenomenon I was shamefully unaware of called Geeksta Rap, or Nerdcore. While this ought to be enough to send you scrambling to read all about it, here's a little more to whet your appetite: "The stigma that was once attached to computer geeks and role-playing nerds is diminishing incredibly fast," said "digital gangster" Bryce Case Jr., aka ytcracker. "It has almost become trendy to have skills on a computer. Rather than guns and 'hos, I speak about DDOS attacks and camgirls." The self-proclaimed "#1 greatest computer science gangsta rapper ever" is MC Plus+, a geeksta leading light whose moniker comes from the C++ programming language. For some reason, I feel like this will be of interest to a number of my friends... you know who you are.).


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