Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Greed: Zell Miller, who I am seriously concerned has dimentia (remember his challenging Chris Matthews to a duel?) has now been found to have pocketed $80,000 in taxpayer money upon leaving office.
Envy: If you are envious of movie stars perfect teeth, you too can get them now. Snap-In teeth come in the Julia, Gwyneth, Halle, George, Mel, and in 5 shades, including the most popular "Hollywood White."
Sloth: Workers are wasting lots at time at work (though I think it is actually more than this study says)
Gluttony: Germans and French will not be committing this sin in this Danish man's restaurant-- he's banned all Germans and French from his pizzeria, in a display of support for the US.
Pride: So much to chose from, but I think I'm going to go with Tom Cruise, and link to the last part in Salon's series on Scientology. Also, I just read the letters from angry readers on basically why Tom Cruise is right to be prideful...interesting. (Relatedly, Katie Holmes gave a weird interview to W Magazine, that if she didn't seem like a zombie may have filled the Lust part of this post, since she keeps saying things like "Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase.")
So only Anger goes unmentioned... maybe I'll address that later.


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