Thursday, June 30, 2005

Candymonster: A bizarre part of a story from AFP that says candy is used to entice prisoners to talk... okay, maybe that would work on me, but I still find that really strange. Then again, some of the prisoners are allegedly kids, but it doesn't sound like they're being bribed with candy...

Tell Us How You Really Feel: If you're from a resident of NY, one of your lawmakers thinks you're an idiot. This comes shortly after Texas Governor Rick Perry called a reporter a mo-fo. And shortly after saying that Mexicans take jobs not even blacks would take, Mexico is once again causing an uproar because of stamps that are seen as racist.

Easily Distractible: No, not me, but police in India, who face a bunch of women stripping every time they try to arrest a group of criminals. Okay, and me, because I keep finding bizarre stories that just need to be posted. Such as this one, about "smoothies," sort of a small-town counterpart to the metrosexual.

Maybe all this crazy news is related to the rise in drug use around the world.


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