Monday, June 27, 2005

Salon has an article on a DNC report on voting problems in Ohio was released last week. (Voting is another one of those issues that gets me going) It doesn't say that the state should have gone to John Kerry, but it does list a number of problems voters encountered, such as excessive wait times, especially in precincts that used electronic voting machines...

Right News: Tom Delay on what's going on in Iraq: "From the "What Planet Is He On?" department, Tom DeLay has weighed in on how things really are in Iraq. And it turns out that Iraq is like ... Iraq is like ... well, it turns out that Iraq is a lot like Texas, actually. "

Bush forever? Some Congressmen, apparently mainly Democrats, are trying to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidential term limits. He would probably get the support of Young Republicans who were tearing up DC this weekend. Perhaps Tony Blair's son will join them when he starts to intern for Republican Congressman David Dreier.


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