Sunday, June 26, 2005

Naked Culture: Justice gets naked, and makes deals with the porn industry... Well, the drapes mandated by Ashcroft to cover the Justice Statues' breasts were removed, but the porn deal is unrelated, but aptly timed to coincide, so I figured it was worth mentioning (or at least get your attention). Pornography has nothing to do with the shift the heads of PBS are attempting to surreptitously make in PBS/NPR programming, according to an excellent NYT editorial. Instead of turning to PBS as usual, I got my dose of culture in at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival yesterday, which was really interesting and fun and definitely worth braving the heat to see. The NYT has an article on the Food Culture USA exhibits, one of the themes featured (along with Latin Music, Forestry and Oman).

And more evidence from our instant gratification society: an article from last Sunday on a NBER study of the myopia of investors, even when there is strong promise of long term payoff. "In other words, most investors tend to ignore events that are scheduled to happen more than five years into the future. They are like drivers who ignore warning signs about slippery pavement just around the bend, and instead wait until nearly the last second to apply the brakes."


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