Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Follow Up: I recently posted that the combover is patented... now Salon has a whole article on the "hair style" (I feel like the word style should be so close to the word combover, which is why I put it in quotations.) The article is fascinating, featuring psychological insights into combover-exhibitors, diagrams, politicians that sport the look, and even a link to Combover: The Movie. Very diverting, to say the least.

Devout Catholic Rick Santorum is being chastized by a nun for being a bad example to his kids.

Rove and company are getting raises... for good job performance, outstanding service, or what?? Oh, I forgot, they're federal employees. Which means we pay for them...

But I guess we're making up for it by not paying soldiers. According to an audit, soldiers wounded in Iraq are having a difficult time getting paid what they are owed.


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