Friday, July 15, 2005

Inconceivable Reality: Apparently, we can't conceive of the way the world is in reality, our brain has just given us a way to handle what we encounter.... which would explain an ongoing debate we had in Forward Engagement on whether we are experiencing and can deal with an accelerated rate of change: "Are there things about the Universe that will be forever beyond our grasp, in principle, ungraspable in any mind, however superior?" [Prof Richard Dawkins] asked. "Successive generations have come to terms with the increasing queerness of the Universe."
Not to get too philosophical, but I wonder if it really is an issue of generations, or if different people from the same time period are conceiving the world totally differently. Perhaps even individuals can change their conceptions dramatically based on current realities- I mean, I feel like the more I learn about science, physics, even geography, vocabulary... basically anything, leaves me with a very different conception of the world and reality. Then again, while I'm reading a book on quantum mechanics, my conception of the world becomes very different, but I then I revert back to a very different conception when I start talking to Natalia about pop culture... and this weekend I will be in Harry Potter World where all of that is completely irrelevant.

Cloud-Cuckoo Land: Banning public smoking decreases smoking at home, AND has benefits for economies, according to the Royal College of Physicians. Shockingly, smoking lobbyists disagree with banning smoking in public though, saying: "The best place for people to smoke is in a well-ventilated bar or restaurant. Banning smoking in all public places is bound to encourage more people to smoke in and around the home. Anyone who can't see that is living in cloud-cuckoo land."
(Is it just me, by the way, or does Royal College of Physicians perversely sound more authoritative than, say, the Institutes of Medicine or something like that? Sometimes I don't understand my brain... maybe I'll blame it on that inconceivable reality issue. Also, just for clarification, cloud-cuckoo land is not in Harry Potter World.)


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