I Know What You're Thinking: Actually, I don't but researchers claim to be able to using brain scans.
Patently Stupid: A post I ripped off from Techdirt because I couldn't put it better myself: "There's no end to the number of patents granted just for the sake of having a patent -- because patents lend the mystique of legitimacy and can be used as marketing gimmicks. But the scientific study of relationships is a legitimate field, so it shouldn't be too surprising that EHarmony.com has received a patent on relationships, called a "method and system for identifying people who are likely to have a successful relationship." Their rival, Match.com, obviously doesn't want to capitulate and calls the claims "ridiculous at best." The more interesting tidbit is that 20% of the people answering eHarmony's questionaire are rejected outright as not the marrying type. Maybe they're on to something, but that statistic doesn't quite seem to fit with the 50% divorce rate in the US. However, if eHarmony rejects too many people, they might not be very profitable."
No Email on Wednesdays!: That's the suggestion of a UK police chief, because it makes people unsocial.
Patently Stupid: A post I ripped off from Techdirt because I couldn't put it better myself: "There's no end to the number of patents granted just for the sake of having a patent -- because patents lend the mystique of legitimacy and can be used as marketing gimmicks. But the scientific study of relationships is a legitimate field, so it shouldn't be too surprising that EHarmony.com has received a patent on relationships, called a "method and system for identifying people who are likely to have a successful relationship." Their rival, Match.com, obviously doesn't want to capitulate and calls the claims "ridiculous at best." The more interesting tidbit is that 20% of the people answering eHarmony's questionaire are rejected outright as not the marrying type. Maybe they're on to something, but that statistic doesn't quite seem to fit with the 50% divorce rate in the US. However, if eHarmony rejects too many people, they might not be very profitable."
No Email on Wednesdays!: That's the suggestion of a UK police chief, because it makes people unsocial.
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