Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harried: So I 'm just now getting to read any news for the first time this weekend, because I read the new HP yesterday, and did some family stuff today. On the subject of HP, (btw, I thought the 6th book was pretty good, an important part of the series), I just do not understand these people who are threatened by it (like this rector). It's FICTION... can't we just teach critical thinking so kids can tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction, and still have an imagination??? (I do have to say that the book was a little bit dark, but at on the other hand it clearly shows that killing and so forth is wrong, unlike many video games, which make killing cool, and which your brain essentially views as real.)

In terms of the news, there seems to be a lot going on recently on sperm... I'm not sure what the deal is, but China is sending pig sperm into space, roosters are saving their sperm, and sea urchin sperm are synchronised swimmers. I'll keep you updated with any further breaking sperm news I encounter.


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