Thursday, July 28, 2005

In God We Bank: Check out this billboard, asking God to help our economy.

To make sure you're not being taken to the bank, buy your date dinner and theater tickets, but nothing too useful, according to researchers.
"Using mathematical modelling, Peter Sozou and Robert Seymour at University College London, UK, found that wooing girls with costly, but essentially worthless gifts – such as theatre tickets or expensive dinners out – is a winning courtship strategy for both sexes.
Females can assess how serious or committed a male plans to be and males can ensure they are not just seducing 'gold-diggers' – girls who take valuable presents with no intention of accepting subsequent dates."

If you have a little extra money in the bank, you can find out who your ancestor are. You just need some saliva and $99.95 to spend on a DNA kit, you can go to and trace your ancestral lineage.

Not really about banks, but interesting topic anyway: Another interesting issue for debate, and particularly timely given soaring methamphetamine abuse, posed by futurepundit: should pregnant drug abusers be institutionalized? If so, until when- after they give birth, or after they stop breastfeeding? He then goes into more futuristic issues of reproductive rights-- can the state limit parents from tinkering with their offsprings' genes, etc. Very thought provoking.


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