Monday, August 01, 2005

Dodgy: This is actually really smart: apparently, Jimi Hendrix pretended to be gay so that he wouldn't be sent to Vietnam. Something to bear in mind in case there is another draft, guys. Maybe this guy, who was sentenced to 15 months in prison for refusing to go on a second tour in Iraq should have gone about it differently.

One of the sites I enjoy reading linked to a friend's article, on what individual bills he hopes to see Congress pass (by individual bill, he means a bill directly tailored for him.) Here's an example: "BILL 1705 In the Congress of the United States
It's Actually You, Not Me Bill-
All prior and future relationship terminations made under the pretense of
"It's not you, it's me" shall be changed as a matter of public record. Let the
records show that complete and total guilt for all premature relationship
terminations, whether historical or yet-to-occur, now shall be placed solely
on ex-girlfriends involved in said transactions. Mr. Rosen is absolved of
all blame."

There are a couple other good ones as well.

And Donald Trump wants to renovate the United Nations...


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