Friday, August 05, 2005

I am sad to report that I am not happy with Sen Barbara Boxer:
Well-lobbied senators know what's right: "Peer-to-peer file sharing is affecting children's morality and well-being by giving them access to pornography and encouraging the everyday theft of music," suggests Senator Barbara Boxer, who last year hauled in $720,410 in campaign contributions from the TV and film industry. Boxer's comments were part of a "rare bipartisan moment" in Washington, says P2PNet and Kansas City Infozine, where all of Hollywood's best paid Senators demanded p2p companies filter search results.
I thought she was above selling out, but I guess not. In terms of the P2P and filesharing debate and so forth, it is interesting to bear in mind that when we get messages saying "this is illegal," it is almost always illegal according to the RIAA. But the law is actually not specific on these things yet, though the RIAA and other lobbyists for the entertainment are certainly pushing hard to get everything put under their control. This is really dangerous for innovation (read Lawrence Lessig!)

Since we're on the topic of major entertainment labels, Sony has to pay a fine, because it made up a movie critic to praise its movies.

FYI: We're back to GWOT, not G-SAVE.


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