Thursday, August 04, 2005

In the News: Interesting preview of a Vanity Fair story on allegations that Turkish criminals were bribing the GOP. I'm not sure if this is the same woman, but I saw a 60 minutes report a while ago about a translator who was trying to report similar allegations, who was subsequently fired.

A soldier bought Saddam's Mercedes for $5,000 and had it shipped back to his home in the US. What else are they selling off for next to nothing, I wonder? And who is doing the selling, anyway?

The Guardian has a profile of a new musician being touted as Feminem. Also from the UK, new report of what's in the average Brits shopping cart... not such a pretty picture. Maybe their lackluster nutrition is affecting their humor. Brits pride themselves on their humor (that must be nice... as a German, I have no idea what that is like), and I just got a mega-dose via Eddie Izzard, lent to me a very insistent Brit (thanks Meerkat! I must say it was very funny). Another Guardian article looks at the trend of politics in British humor, and whether it is making British comedy unfunny.


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