Not Just a Cute Face: Babies have more going on up there than we think, according to a Newsweek article. "That kid over there with one sock missing and smashed peas all over his face is actually a formidable presence, in possession of keen powers of observation, acute emotional sensitivity and an impressive arsenal of deductive powers."
We live in Hell?: According to a Weekly Standard article, the National Mall is hell. "Yet aside from the Air and Space museum, with dozens of tons of flying machines suspended from the ceiling, and the art galleries, for people who like that sort of thing, the museums are a bit bewildering. There's a curious lack of stuff. And just getting in and out of the museums is a pain." While I agree that the mall itself would be nicer if we didn't have so much patchy grass, and if they had kept the garden exhibits from the Folklife Festival, the museums are great and have everything imaginable, and are actually very easy to get into, I do it at least twice a month, and the only place that has been a pain is the National Archive. If I didn't have work to do, I'd have more to say, but I just wanted to express my disagreement.
We live in Hell?: According to a Weekly Standard article, the National Mall is hell. "Yet aside from the Air and Space museum, with dozens of tons of flying machines suspended from the ceiling, and the art galleries, for people who like that sort of thing, the museums are a bit bewildering. There's a curious lack of stuff. And just getting in and out of the museums is a pain." While I agree that the mall itself would be nicer if we didn't have so much patchy grass, and if they had kept the garden exhibits from the Folklife Festival, the museums are great and have everything imaginable, and are actually very easy to get into, I do it at least twice a month, and the only place that has been a pain is the National Archive. If I didn't have work to do, I'd have more to say, but I just wanted to express my disagreement.
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