Monday, August 22, 2005

Sorry for the lull in posts; I had law school orientation last week (which was awesome, I'm more excited than I thought I would be!) This week is the first week of class, so we'll see how much time I'll have to read non-law material. But here's some stuff I missed in the last couple days.

France Declares War on American invaders
: Okay, they're really just American bullfrogs, but France is not happy. And Australia is in an uproar over a ban on the word "mate" in parliament: "The opposition Labor Party branded the move "un-Australian" and party leader Kim Beazely said pressure on the guards to address people as "sir" or "madam" was a reflection of the elitist culture fostered under Howard's nine-year-old conservative government."

Environmental Hazard: Cows are failing emissions tests in CA.

Nanotech Breakthrough: Science fiction may become reality with this latest development.


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