More on Bush's vacation courtesy of Daily Kos:
"President Bush talked tough today. He said he's not backing out, he's staying the course for as long as it takes. He's in it for the long haul. Not Iraq---his 5-week vacation."
--Jay Leno
--David Letterman
"President Bush is now in the second week of his five-week vacation down there in Crawford, Texas. He's been taking a lot of criticism for this long vacation and his aides say he has his laptop with him so he can still play Solitaire and Minesweep---so it's business as usual."
--Jay Leno
"In a radio speech this weekend Bush said, 'I will not be satisfied until every American who wants to work can find a job.' Then Bush went back to his five-week vacation."
--Conan O'Brien
"President Bush is on a five-week vacation. From what?"
--David Letterman
And a couple more just for fun:
"A country without a memory is a country of madmen."
--George Santayana
"The American political system is like fast food: mushy, insipid, made out of disgusting parts of things---and everybody wants some."
--P.J. O'Rourke
"The administration says the American people want tax cuts. Well, duh. The American people also want drive-through nickel beer night. The American people want to lose weight by eating ice cream. The American people love the Home Shopping Network because it's commercial-free."
--Will Durst
"Don't get mad. Don't get even. Just get elected, then get even."
--James Carville
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